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The Same Day Teeth Philosophy (CAD-CAM)

The CAD / CAM technology (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing) is a  tool that allows the design and development of dental prostheses by computer.


This digital technology makes it possible to design and manufacture various types of dental prostheses with the highest quality. It significantly reduces the human margin of error, the fabrication time and the production costs.


Dental CAD CAM technology is divided into 3 main phases:
1. Digitization (scan) of the tooth or dental implant
2. Computer design of the aesthetic prosthesis using a 3D software
3. Robotic milling of the prosthetic piece in minutes.


Our practice is equipped with the state-of-the-art material of CAD-CAM technology and can deliver your new teeth the same day.
In addition, our team brings together the complementary human skills of technicians and dentists, able to take full advantage of this technology.

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